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The Real War Threatening Humanity

The Real War Threatening Humanity

Why my Response was to Write a Book:

While the world is plagued by fear of an imminent World War III, another existential threat spreads subliminally into our psyche and human identity.

Since the start of the 21st century, military conflicts continue to sharpen the odds of a third war. The pain and suffering we see today are a staggering evidence of the careless acts of those who lead with hostility. But the real threat is greater than the death of innocent victims -who have no relation to those who orchestrate a campaign of genocide. I’m talking about the dying of our essence as we lose faith in human kindness. Hate and control are the deeper roots of inflicted suffering and societal conditioning. To kill our soul and live in survival mode, is to degrade our human potential. We were created for so much more! A fulfilled life in abundance is our birthright. To preserve our species we must learn to lead with love. This is the only way we can win the war against our right to live a life by design.      

My response to this threat -not readily obvious to most, was to write “The Art of Abundance.” This book is a practical guide to aligning with abundance and fulfillment, -where I share my personal struggles trying to survive in a world where my heart’s desires were not supported, and felt pinned down to a life script that was not my own. Most important, I didn’t believe it was possible to live a life of my choice. Somehow, my circumstances led me to unsubscribe from that way of living and to believe in new possibilities. It was believing, that unlocked a new sense of potential in me, taking me to unimaginable states of fulfillment. I discovered how I created my reality with every thought and belief, and how these were fueled by my emotions. This self-realization allowed me to tap into my role as a conscious creator.

We know from research and psychology that our thoughts have the power to create. Whether we create conscious or unconsciously, our life is a direct reflection of our thoughts. Psychologists call this phenomenon “the placebo effect” -where by though alone, we give power to things, resulting in a certain reality. But what does all this have to do with the rumors of a new war or the threats we face? Well, let’s imagine for a minute that we all have the ability to find happiness and fulfillment. A need to suppress others or cause harm would not be a variable in finding our own happiness. -If we can really find fulfillment in the things that matter in life, we have everything we need.

Our Role

We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. We know that our state of being creates a polarity around us, interacting with the thread of energetic vibration around our planet. As we heal our lives and create abundance from within, we influence the energy of the planet as a collective. The more awakened we become of our own ability to create, the more crystalline the energy of our planet becomes. This is a shift that aids our evolution as as a species, and why my response to the troubling times we live in, was to write a book. You can catch the first chapter of my book here.

I believe that we need more voices that can vulnerably share their path and trace back those exact life adjustments that led them to finding abundance and fulfillment. When we acknowledge the limiting beliefs that make us play small, and share how we overcame them, we become the inspiration that someone else might need to leap into their own greatness. By doing so, they too can fulfill their purpose by uncovering their gifts and sharing them with others. The preservation of our species is a war that we can win together -one raised consciousness at a time. 

If you would like to learn more about the power of the mind and would like more information that is supported by expert research, I recommend looking into the works of Dr. Joe Dispenza -he used the power of the mind to heal six compressed vertebrae after a serious cycling accident when doctors had told him he might never walk again. He has dedicated his life to educating others with research based information and has written numerous books on the power of the mind, neuroplasticity, and becoming “supernatural.” -You can read or listen to this information in an audio book form if you prefer. I highly recommend “You are The Placebo” by Dr. Joe Dispenza.


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